Sunday, February 22, 2009

(Not so) Intelligent Weapon

Last week I went back visit my parents; had a chat my father. My father is in his late eighties still has a sharp mind, observance and creative; anyway that’s another story.

While chatting there it was on the news about Bukit Selambau assembly man gone missing and all those stale dirty politic games by the losing party. As what we can remember, Bukit Selambau is where the issue of kandang kerbau-pendek was brought about. This losing party seems to very fond of ‘kandang kerbau-pendek’; everywhere is about kandang kerbau-pendek; to make biggest kandang in Malaya, state or district. Why kandang kerbau-pendek? Is the kerbau-pendek eating population in Malaysia that hungry?

As I see it, kandang kerbau-pendek is an intelligent weapon, advance than WMD (weapon of mass destruction); it is a Weapon of Selective Isolation (WSI). Intelligent enough it attack and remove selective habitants without the use any physical force. The stinking smell, the contaminated stream, ‘najis mugholadzoh’ can inhibit this intended population away beyond 10km radius, leaving the pork eating as majority; hence ensures power. Therefore issue of kandang kerbau-pendek is likely to occur in a district where the selective habitant is 50 – 50 (%). Cheap shot of ugly master plan to stay in power; but what is power if without unity.

On the other hand, with correct attitude, the same issue can ensures victory to the wining party.

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