Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Maaf Dzahir & Batin.
Ikhlas dari Oracle.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


A picture describes a thousand words.


Saturday, April 4, 2009


R – Rahman
A – Abdul Razak
H – Hussain
M – Mahathir
A – Abdullah
N - Najib

The brand new Prime Minister of Malaysia – Datuk Seri Najib bin Tun Abdul Razak.
3rd April 2009 - The prophecy is now complete. A new dawn for Malaysia; after so long been on ‘auto pilot’, ups and downs have been by default, and of course while auto cruising greed hands had their way. However, one must thank Tun Abdullah for ensuring the smooth transition; reflected true Malaysian spirit of kind and peace loving.

Every Prime Minister has his way to lead mother Malaysia, but the bench mark has been Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad reign, one success led after another and decades of ‘economics boom’. May Najib would bring-out Malaysia from this state of ‘day dreaming’ and competitive yet again. Sometimes ‘thy’ neighbour failure can be ‘thee’ neighbour opportunity, and we are not total ruin (only on auto). Mend all damages and sail away to greatness.
Congratulation Datuk Seri Najib, the Prime Minister of Malaysia! Malaysia has high hope for your government. Don’t let us down.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

24th March

Today is a special day to me. Syukor Alhamdulillah for the wonderful year and rezeki Allah (snw) has bestowed upon me, and hopefully for many more years to come. As special it is to me, I hope 24th March mark a good beginning for Malaysia politics; hence stability, harmony and prosperity. I wish.


Monday, March 16, 2009

Congrats Datuk Lee Chong Wei!

Finally, you beat Lin Dan. Congratulation for championing the Switz Badminton open! Congratulation also to country’s double Koo Kien Kat & Tan Boon Heong.

You are the Malaysian Heroes!


Bukit Selambau by-Election

Bukit Selambau should have a Malay candidate instead; for BN/UMNO to win. After the said scandalous, betrayal and derhaka episode from the past DUN, a Malay candidate could be the saviour and so the Bukit Selambau people shall choose. Do BN really listen to Bukit Selambau’s majority hue and cry? Again, sikap ‘tak apa, bagi chance’ UMNO deteriorate BN chances. Did they ever realize that in PRU 12, MIC was a liability to BN? The Indians' Malaysian are already with PKR.
Good luck PAS (have your candidate there)!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Maulidur Rasul

Sallallahu 'ala Muhammad,
Sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam,
Sallallahu 'ala Muhammad,
Sallallahu 'alaihi wassallam.

Salawat dan salam keatas junjungan besar kita Nabi Muhammad saw. Hari ini 12 haribulan Rabiulawal tahun Hijrah bersamaan 9hb Mac adalah ulang tahun kelahiran Baginda.

Kembalilah kita hidup berpandukan kepada sunnah dan hadith baginda; sepenuhnya.


Article 6

Article 6 Undang-undang perlembagaan negeri Perak.

So fascinating when someone thinks he is the legitimate MB by holding on to this article?
“If the Menteri Besar ceases to command the confidence of the majority of the Legislative Assembly, then, unless at his request His Royal Highness dissolves the Legislative Assembly, he shall tender the resignation of the Executive Council.”

In a lay man interpretation, it reads:
· when the legislative assembly lost confidence or lost its majority, the MB must resign,
· he can request HRH to dissolves the legislative assembly, but if only HRH agrees.

That simple; so cut the crap fellows, don’t continue ‘derhaka’. Stop low yourself to become ‘b_r_a’.

The ‘real rakyat’ want peace and prosperity.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Criminalise War

Kuala Lumpur Foundation of Criminalise War (KLFCW)

Yes, war should be criminalised!

Today war is about cleansing and total destruction, no sympathy for children, mother, the elder and those whose surrender; therefore it has become criminals. No reason can justify these killings.
Nobody likes war, even the soldier dislike war. The criminal of the war is the leader in power and his invisible hands, who initiate the war. If war is criminalised, the criminal leader retreat, hence no war engaged.

There's plenty for us all; citizen of the world can live in peace and harmony. This global peace message should reach all! Insyallah.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

(Not so) Intelligent Weapon

Last week I went back visit my parents; had a chat my father. My father is in his late eighties still has a sharp mind, observance and creative; anyway that’s another story.

While chatting there it was on the news about Bukit Selambau assembly man gone missing and all those stale dirty politic games by the losing party. As what we can remember, Bukit Selambau is where the issue of kandang kerbau-pendek was brought about. This losing party seems to very fond of ‘kandang kerbau-pendek’; everywhere is about kandang kerbau-pendek; to make biggest kandang in Malaya, state or district. Why kandang kerbau-pendek? Is the kerbau-pendek eating population in Malaysia that hungry?

As I see it, kandang kerbau-pendek is an intelligent weapon, advance than WMD (weapon of mass destruction); it is a Weapon of Selective Isolation (WSI). Intelligent enough it attack and remove selective habitants without the use any physical force. The stinking smell, the contaminated stream, ‘najis mugholadzoh’ can inhibit this intended population away beyond 10km radius, leaving the pork eating as majority; hence ensures power. Therefore issue of kandang kerbau-pendek is likely to occur in a district where the selective habitant is 50 – 50 (%). Cheap shot of ugly master plan to stay in power; but what is power if without unity.

On the other hand, with correct attitude, the same issue can ensures victory to the wining party.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris

A friend of mine got back from hometown Hulu Terenganu sharing an interesting story. Story about Hulu Terenganu primary school niece and nephews whose been taught math in English and they understood and pronounce well. This is an amazing thing about children, they could easily adapt to new environment as compared to adult, while adults are resist to change or rather recalcitrant. Even though this Hulu parents or ‘Orang Ulu’ as Tun Dr M used to describe it, have nothing but to submit to non ever stopping curiosity of children asking math question in English, “Ma.. devide”, “Ma.. substract”, “Ma.. add”. So, indirectly this ‘Orang Ulu’ parents also educating, i.e. learned math in English. More beautifully these children are left to their grand parents after school, since the parents are working and so the grand parents are also educating.

I remember during my school days, I earned better grades for Physics as compared to my friend, not because I’m extra smart but I learnt from the formula. For e.g. halaju, v = d/t. As for me, I take ‘v’ is meant velocity, ‘d’ is meant for distance, ‘t’ is meant for time; and scientifically halaju or better still ‘velocity’ is a measure of distance over time; so v = d/t, and so for other formula. For those who didn’t relate to English, this may be difficult to memorise especially when we have so many formulae left to hafal. And today I graduated with a Physics degree (alhamdulillah).

By the by, don’t worry about the children, they are so adaptable. The one whose worrying is the ‘keras lidah’ adult especially the teacher. Avoid link semangat with education because both are antagonist. Semangat (melayu) is there to defend but to learn is to give-in and to accept.

This piece of gem left for us, don’t simply toss it away. Tun ‘tak rugi’ but the next melayu generation will be.


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Weird Photo

Weird Clouds

Amateur Photography

Wild Orchid


Ya Allah;
Patahkanlah segala yang Batil,
Hindarkanlah segala yang tamak dan hamak,
Tegakkanlah segala yang Hak,
Semuga Aman Bumi Ku.
Semuga Aman Malay-sia Ku.

Bimbingkanlah daku,
Maafkanlah Hambamu..
