Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Respond to Dr M on Weak Government

Respond is overwhelmed yet these are actually sighs of the ‘Silent Majority’; hoping once again you be the knight in shining armour. Most of the people do not really care about politics but worries when it is affecting the economy of our beloved nation and the welfare of the citizen. Where this shall lead us? Will there ever be achievement that fellow Malaysian can be proud of; the ‘...est’ that put Malaysia at par with developed nation? Time is essence. No room for mistake nor warming up; once you’re in, you’re in and must perform. One mistake venture many folds into the future; and it does not take too many to cripple a nation.
Position comes with responsibility, the bigger the title the bigger role it is; and that is elementary. Whichever side, too shame politics is becoming the battle for power and greed; politics for personal gain and grudge; politics of no morale, and that is dirty. Where are the good men?
The food crisis and increase in price creping onto the world, problem worse by the weaken government. Is the matter being given enough attention? Only leader of your calibre can get Malaysia out of this forthcoming mess. You did it for 1998, best of all ‘you did it your way’!
Thank you Dr Mahathir.